Dear Lord Jesus,
it’s Valentine’s Day—the day in our culture
in which red hearts, overpriced cards, dark
chocolates, and cut flowers abound.
For some, it’s a day of incredible kindness, sweetness, and gratitude. For
others, it’s a day in which brokenness, loneliness, and emptiness are
magnified. For all of us, it should be a day in which our deepest longings for
intimacy and connection find their way home to you — the quintessential lover.
We each have our own stories of love gained and lost, of love being alive, and love being tested, strained and fractured. We’ve experienced seasons of incredible joy, connection and intimacy in our marriages —moments when we’ve wondered how heaven itself could be any richer, grander or fuller.
But we’ve also discovered time and again, that no one human being (or any number of them), no human romance story, no torrid love affair can possibly fill the vacuum in our souls that’s uniquely Jesus shaped. Even the best marriage is made of two broken people, two redeemed sinners who will ultimately not be enough for the other.
Lord Jesus, “grace” us with a deeper, richer current experience of belonging to you. You are the ultimate Spouse — the One we’ve always longed for. I believe this theologically, and I want to “know” it more experientially.
Our hearts are fickle and fragile — still capable of being sucker-punched by sin within, and susceptible to whisperings without. Most of the time I believe you greatly love, desire, and delight in me; but then I also have moments when I can be blindsided by unbelief, temptation and discontent.
Those are the times when I place unrealistic demands on other relationships, including marriage. Instead of living as a grateful servant, I can act like a grace-less orphan — over-expecting from others and under-believing of you. Forgive me and free me from all such nonsense.
Lord Jesus, increasingly, I want to love you (and others) as
you love me, until the Day our betrothal to you becomes the Day of great
banqueting forever — the Day we crave more than any other—the wedding feast of
the Lamb. You are more than enough. So very Amen I pray, in your tender and
tenacious name.
THANKS Scotty Smith, founding pastor of Christ Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee.