A few years back at a Christian conference the late Dr. R.C Sproul. uttered a line in response to a audience question that has since become quite famous: "What's wrong with
you people!" The question was:
R.C.'s blunt answer was as follows:
Timeout! Didn’t we just have that question a second ago?
God’s punishment for Adam was so severe?
This creature from the dirt defied the everlasting holy God. After
that, God had said “the day that you shall eat of it, you shall surely
die” and instead of dieing (thanatos) that day, he lived another day and
was clothed in his nakedness, by pure grace, and had the consequences
of the curse applied for quite some time, but the worse curse would come
upon the one who seduced him, whose head would be crushed by the seed
of the woman. And the punishment was too severe? What’s wrong with you
people? I’m serious! I mean, this is what’s wrong with the Christian
church today. We don’t know who God is, and we don’t know who we are.
The question is, why wasn’t it infinitely more severe? If we have any
understanding of our sin and any understanding of who God is, that’s
the question. Isn’t it?
R.C. wasn't trying to funny but was all too serious about
those who call themselves "Christians" yet seemingly do not know who God
is nor who we are. Watch his classic 2-minute moment of biblical truth
and may it be sobering to your soul HERE
Brothers, this truth is also foundational to being a man of God - i.e.
having R.C's passion for the Holiness of God and His Glorious Gospel!
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