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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

How the Bible Presents Itself vs. How Many Try to Present It

The chart below captures how many people present the Bible’s progression from Genesis to Revelation versus how the Bible presents its own redemptive progression. 

The first chart depicts how the Bible is typically presented, which is thoroughly focused on the individual. Is it any wonder, then, that so many in our churches (and in Christian para-church ministries) are focused on themselves and think the Bible is a kind of self-help resource? 

The second chart accurately represents the biblical focus on Christ as the promised one who brings all things to fulfillment. 

The entire Bible is about Jesus. Jesus is the Gospel. Therefore, the Bible - Old and New Testaments - is about the Gospel. It is God's Story - sort of His autobiography - and He writes into it those who repent and believe in Christ alone.

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