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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Thirteen Marks of Genuine Revival

Scott Christensen, a pastor and notable Bible scholar, has shared the following history about revivals:

From my study of past revivals in church history, here are 13 marks of genuine revival:

1. Revival is an extraordinary move of the Spirit upon significant numbers of people who are dead in their sins (unbelievers) or apathetic in their walk as believers and marked by worldliness. The extraordinary move of the Spirit results in extraordinary spiritual transformation.

2. Revival cannot be induced by human means. It results from a special outpouring of sovereign grace upon those whom God chooses. However, it is often preceded by persistent seasons of prayer and always includes the faithful proclamation of the gospel attended by unusual boldness and power.

3. Revival usually starts in churches or other places where Christians are normally gathered, but then often spreads to the unbelieving populace as they are attracted to the unusual things taking place in those venues.

4. The bold preaching of the gospel leads to deep conviction of sin. Sins that were thought to be no big deal, suddenly appear very wicked. It is not uncommon to see people under such conviction to be visibly shaken and brought to humble tears.

5. Those under conviction of sin often experience a sense of God’s wrath in such as a way as they wonder why he has not already consigned them to the fires of hell.

6. This leads to broken-hearted contrition and humble pleading before God in open confessions of sin and repentance.

7. Subsequently, Christ and his work on the cross become extraordinarily precious as one experiences the sense of God’s forgiveness and pardon. Often tears of terror turn to tears of unspeakable joy.

8. Suddenly, the worship of God and prayer are no longer dead duties but pure delight.

9. There is a deep hunger for the word of God as though one would starve without consuming it constantly. The word comes alive in ways it never did before. Again, there is no drudgery in reading, rather there is eagerness to devour it with pure delight.

10. There is an extraordinary sense of God’s presence that brings wonder and excitement, a sort of foretaste of eternal glory that no one wants to end.

11. The concern for the lost becomes acute. Those who experience the fires of revival are not indifferent to the lost. They see the true and desperate condition of lost souls and desire their conversion.

12. Those who experience the fires of revival, especially in churches or other gatherings of believers, experience a deep renewal of love for one another that flows from the sense of God’s love. Broken relationships are repaired. Confession and forgiveness are freely exchanged and there is an eagerness to meet one another’s needs.

13. Revival brings about a reformation of morals in the lives of Christians and even the communities in which revivals occur. Sin and idolatry are dispensed with. Believers gain a fervency for holy living that has a lasting impact on individuals, as well as entire churches and communities.

Scott graduated from The Master’s Seminary in 2001 with his Master of Divinity degree. He pastored Summit Lake Community Church in southwestern Colorado for 16 years before beginning ministry as the associate pastor at Kerrville Bible Church, Texas in 2019. Scott’s published works include What about Free Will? Reconciling Our Choices with God’s Sovereignty (P&R 2016) and What about Evil? God’s Glory Magnified in a World Ruined by Sin (P&R 2020).


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