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Friday, July 29, 2022

Men are Meant To Be Protectors, Not Predators: Where To Enter The Battlefield for Freedom and Safety


Human trafficking is a heinous crime impacting millions of victims annually. The sex and labor trafficking industry is second only to drug trafficking as the world’s largest criminal industry.

The internet is the most dominant business model sex traffickers used to solicit buyers of commercial sex (85 % of new cases filed). Since 2000, traffickers have recruited 55% of sex trafficking victims through social media platforms, web-based messaging apps and online chat rooms, among others. (2021 Federal Human Trafficking Report)

While progress has been made to curb internet-enabled sex trafficking, efforts to combat human trafficking need to go beyond traditional approaches. We must begin to look at root causes that fuel the demand for sex trafficking and child exploitation – namely child sexual abuse material (child pornography) and hardcore pornography. 

Today's online pornography, most of which is prosecutable under U.S. federal obscenity laws, depicts themes of brutal torture, incest, choking, eroticized racism and teen rape. Eighty-eight percent of pornography scenes depict violence against females, including trafficked girls and women.

A cycle of abuse is driven by the consumer's appetite for more extreme and deviant types of content, which fuels the desire to act out those fantasies on innocent children and vulnerable women, driving the demand for these victims to be sold commercially for sex. In turn, trafficked victims are further abused when the sex crimes against them are turned into pictures and videos, continuing the cycle.

Without the aggressive prosecution and funding of obscenity laws, which fuel the pandemic of sex trafficking and child pornography (which depicts violent sex acts against children as young as infants and toddlers), law enforcement will not be able to truly turn back the tide of internet-enabled sexual exploitation.

Enough Is Enough is a ministry whose mission since 1994 has been to prevent the internet-enabled exploitation of children. It knows all too well about this year’s World Against Trafficking in Persons theme, “Use and Abuse of Technology.” Technology is used and abused to perpetuate predatory actions by traffickers, child predators and other opportunist criminals.

If you and/or your men’s ministry are looking to defend and protect the innocent from evil, join WACMM and support Enough Is Enough, which works alongside the legal community and technology industry to stay ahead of traffickers, predators and other criminals who use and abuse technology.For more info, check out

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