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Monday, February 28, 2022

The War in the Ukraine: Praying, Hurting, Longing

The following prayer offered by Scott Smith, founding pastor of Christ Community Church in Franklin TN, is laced with grief and lament, sobriety about the reality of evil, and fervent trust in God's presence and promises for his persecuted in Ukraine and around the world.

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them… They will neither harm nor destroy anywhere on my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Isa. 1

 Lord Jesus, our hearts break, our anger is growing, our fears are real. The evil we are witnessing in the Ukraine fuels our longing for the fulfillment of Isaiah’s vision. How long, O Lord? Have mercy, King Jesus. We pray for the church, children, and citizens of the Ukraine. We pray for the growing masses of Russian citizens protesting this horror. 

Jesus, hasten the Day when all enmity, strife, and violence will be gone forever—no more wars or even rumors of war. All selfishness, racism, tribalism, or trafficking have an expiration date. As you have promised, “They will neither harm nor destroy anywhere…” Your entire every-nation Bride will love one another as you love us, Jesus. Hallelujah, what a glorious, guaranteed hope. 

Hurry the Day when God’s glory will cover the earth like saltwater covers the oceans of the world—the Day when knowing the Lord won’t be something we do, but who we are. The Day when we will finally and fully love and worship you with everything we have and are. 

Until then, keep us groaning and growing in grace, Lord Jesus. Grant us quick repentances, softer hearts, and a passion for local reconciliation and global mission. May the world recognize us as your disciples by the way we love one another. You have come, and you’re coming again, Jesus. How long, O Lord? So Very Amen.

Scotty Smith, founding pastor
Christ Community Church

Franklin TN


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