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Monday, November 10, 2014

The Gospel, Homosexuality & the Future of Marriage

There's an unprecedented, virulent secularism infecting America with its god-less worldview. It is tirelessly seeking to marginalize, discredit and intimidate Christ followers. This juggernaut has been redefining not only marriage and manhood but also sexuality, morality, conscience, liberty and freedom. Most recently we've seen the blatant subpoena assault against five Houston pastors. The secularists hurl charges against us of ignorance,
bigotry and intolerance that go unchallenged and are perpetuated by like-minded acolytes in the media, academia and Hollywood. Before our eyes we see the dismantlement of the unique American social contract and the rise of a new culture of licentiousness, depravity and corruption. How then should we as blood-bought brothers think through the implications of all this? How should we respond to it? How should we push back with grace and truth?  

Last week I was with 1,300 other pastors in Nashville for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) national conference addressing "The Gospel, Homosexuality, and the Future of Marriage". It was the first significant, broad-based gathering to address the moral revolution surrounding homosexuality and same-sex marriage. It focused on how churches, ministries and individual Christians should think about and respond to these historic changes, how  we are to minister to LGBT's, how to defend and strengthen biblical marriage, and to explore what the gospel means for the future of marriage and sexual identity.

The nearly fifty speakers were so challenging and helpful and the networking with other pastors so rich and encouraging I wanted to share the link below of these presentations with you. Regrettably the Christian men's movement has been silent on these issues and so I strongly urge you to watch/listen to these talks and let us all learn together from them so that we might have a shared gospel understanding and a courageous resolve to engage this battle for the sake of the gospel and the truth and authority of God's Word.

While all the talks are worthwhile, several I particularly commend are:

Al Mohler's opening session
Russell Moore's Interview of Rosario Butterfield "Secrets of an Unlikely Convert"
Questions & Ethics Live with Russell Moore
Out of a Far Country: A Gay Son's Journey to God | Christopher Yu

Is There Really a Slippery Slope? A Gospel-Centered Assessment of Gender Identity, Transgender, and Polygamy | Denny Burk

Marriage and Missions: How Singleness and Marriage Connect to the Great Commission | David Platt

J.D. Greear's closing session - "Preaching Like Jesus to the LGBT Community and Its Supporters"     The Daily Recaps section at the bottom is also good.

Dave Brown is Director and Pastor-at-Large of the Washington Area Coalition of Men's Ministries (WACMM) founded in 1999 to serve and support pastors and churches in the mid-Atlantic region.  

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